Friday, August 27, 2010

You Make Everything Glorious

I love the fall and I even like the taste of fall that we are getting in the middle of August. This morning was brisk and now the sun is starting to rise right at the time I start my commute through the city. I can't help but look in awe of God's beauty. Sometimes I look across the horizon and I just wish I could capture the beauty I see. This morning the sun low in the sky beamed a bright vibrant red and as we rounded the turn along the Potomac River it shown glistening orange over the water. What a beautiful breathtaking view I have the privilege of seeing every morning. My God is so amazing. As I was taking in the sunrise I was listening to the song "You Make Everything Glorious" and it made me think about God making his creation. God is a creator in his very essence and each day he creates a new sunrise with a new day to follow. How amazing that our creator is so brilliant that each morning he makes a whole new sunrise for his glory. I love soaking up God's beauty each day. Lord may I never take for granted your beauty!