Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 1 - Who is Amanda and what is so interesting about her?

Day 1 - Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts
Hello all and welcome to my blog! My name is Amanda and I am currently living this crazy life of mine in the ever so busy Northern VA/DC area. I tend to stay very busy but try to have lots of fun along the way. I spend most of my time outside of work with my amazing boyfriend and friends. I am also pretty involved with my church NCC...check it out, it's a good one! I try to stay as active as possible and running has been a great way for me to let out some frustrations, clear my head and spend time with friends.
15 Interesting goes nothing!
1. Not only do I LOVE the Steelers but so does my family...and I have converted my boyfriend :)
2. Skype has changed my world!
3. I have never ever had a pedicure (but that will be changing before Summer officially gets here!)
4. I love love love to list keeps getting longer (I may have to share it one day)
5. I like baseball but mostly watching my amazing boyfriend play!
6. The U.S. military has a special place in my heart. (many of my family and friends are serving to keep us safe and I am so grateful!)
7. Hines Ward is my celebrity crush!
8. DC is fun and I wouldn't trade anything for the experiences I have had but my heart is longing to move home, closer to my family!
9. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is a weakness of mine.
10. I ran my first marathon last March with Team in Training and met some amazing people. (but I do have a love hate relationship with running)
11. I love walking through the DC monuments at night...They are so beautiful and it never gets old to me!
12. I have two of the cutest little cousins in the world, Ethan and Mason! I love them to pieces!
13. I could not imagine going very long without spending an evening at Lebanese Taverna, sipping on a glass of wine with the one and only Katie! It's our favorite!
14. I love a good quote!
15. My family and close friends mean the world to me! I wouldn't trade them for anything!
I feel like I could have come up with more facts but I'm sure they will be shared on the blog at some point!
Getting my workout on!
A little recap on my recent workouts. As you may know I ran my first marathon last March, the Shamrock in Virginia Beach, VA. It was one of the best and hardest experiences in my life. I would definitely do one again but I am going to work my way back up to that level. Since the marathon, I have run a 5k race and done some regular running on my own and with friends. I joined a gym in hopes of adding some variety to my workouts but I tend to go back to my regular cardio on the elliptical or treadmill and my new favorite circuit training with the crazy but challenging Jillian Michaels (I can do push-ups now...go me!) I am currently training for an 8k coming up on May 21st (Run for the Dream) and possibly a 5k on the 28th (Chick-fil-A 5k). I will be honest I haven't been as committed as I could be but I am determined to do my best with what I have done.
Quote of the day:

"Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest, but about who came and never left your side." ~ Unknown

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