Monday, January 25, 2010

A Day of Learning

Saturday we had our long run on the W&OD trail in Vienna. Our mileage went down to 8 this week for a recovery run. It was kind of nice to have a shorter run but the run itself was very challenging for me. I think a lot of factors added to the difficulty. The first thing I was aware of was my food intake the day before and morning of the run. The night before our run I had grilled chicken, a sweet potato, side Caesar salad, and some bread. That was not enough carbs to get me going the next morning. For breakfast I had a bowl of cereal and a piece of toast…again not enough to energize me. The run was a little rough but I pushed through the first half. Then I ate some shot blocks but I wasn't feeling much better. I was struggling with my breathing some and my nose was all stopped up. That part wasn't fun but I made it to the end. I was pretty upset with the way I ran on Saturday but reminded myself that next week will be better. We go up to 14 miles so it will be a huge challenge but I'm determined! J


My day began to improve after the run. I went to lunch with Katie and Jordan. We went to the mall and got Chick-fil-A. I love that place! After we ate Katie and I stopped by New York & Co. I was excited to see the sale sign in the window. The store was closing so everything was under $5. I got two shirts for $2 each…that was so exciting!


After my great clothing splurge I raced off to the metro to head into the city. I met Julie, one of my dearest friends, at Ebenezer's for a little coffee and catching up. Ebenezer's was pretty full that Saturday afternoon so we went outside to chat and eventually walked up to Union Station when it got chilly. Julie is getting married this summer so we had a lot of fun things to talk about. We hung out for a couple of hours and then I headed back.


I love spending time with good friends!

"A faithful friend is the medicine of life."

~ Apocrypha

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