Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Longer than before!

So I am a little slow getting this updated but better late than never!


On Saturday we all met as a team at 4 Mile Run in Arlington to do our long run. All the full marathoners ran 12 miles. At the beginning we ran with Hayley and Brett for a little ways. It is fun running with other people on the team and getting to know them a little better. I was so determined to have a successful run and I am pleased to say that it went extremely well! For me this was the best trail we have been on so far. I loved the wooded area with the stream along the path. It was like a little escape in the middle of the city. It was nice to hear the birds and the stream flowing rather than 12 miles of traffic. I am not exactly sure where this trail took us but we did end up going under 395 and into Shirlington a little bit. Then we went back and took the W&OD trail up and back. We were running along side 66 but I'm not exactly sure where we were. That was probably the loudest part of the run.



Melissa and I both tried new energy boosters. Melissa tried the jelly beans and she loved them. She said they tasted good and gave her energy without messing with her stomach. That is always a good sign. The only bad part was that they got hard since it was so cold. I think I might have to try them one time to see what I think. I tried orange shot blocks and loved them! They had an extra boost of caffeine that got me going and they tasted great! I also liked that they gave me a distraction for a little bit since they took a little while to chew up. The only problem with them is they are bigger and a little harder to carry on the run. I did wear my fuel belt again and it went a lot better. I guess I am getting used to it now…lets hope!



This weekend I went home. I love going home and visiting my family! It's amazing the feeling you get when you're around people you love! I had a great time hanging out with Wes, Lindsey, my cousins and their friends. We ate some good food at Quaker Steak and then went back to Wes and Lindsey's for the Colts game. I am and always will be a devoted Steelers fan! However, since they are out of the running I'm cheering for the Colts to win the super bowl. Just keeping it in the family!



Sunday I enjoyed some time with my parents and then played Rummikub with them and my uncle and cousin. I loved the game the first round but then I started to lose and it wasn't so fun anymore. I didn't totally lose so it ended up okay. After the game we went over to Wes and Lindsey's to hang out with them for the football game. They made this dip that was to die for! I don't even know what was in it but I loved it. We had a great time with a crowd of family and friends!



Monday morning I woke up earlier than I had expected. Somehow I convinced my dad to go with me on my run. We went up to Newport News Park so I could run and my dad could ride his bike. I was excited about getting in a good run and trying a different trail. That is until we actually got going. I felt like I was truly training for a marathon. The path is nice most of the time but we both forgot that we had a down pour of rain the night before so the trail was flooded in a lot of spots. It's about a 5 mile trail but we didn't go the whole way around since there was so much water. We did about 3 miles in 36 minutes so I was glad that I at least got out there and did something. It was a challenge running in the mud and ankle deep water but definitely worth it. After cleaning up from my run, I went with my sister to the mall for a little shopping trip. It was fun hanging out with her shopping and talking for a bit. Then mom made her famous lasagna for a big family dinner. Everyone enjoyed some yummy food and then it was time for me to head back to the DC area. I had an amazing time at home but now it's back to the real world!



Help me raise money to cure blood cancer:


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